Cross Equals Love

Love. We all need it, and we're all searching for it. But what actually is love and what is its greatest expression? Would we recognise true love if we saw it?

Humanity has been pursuing this question since the beginning of time. Despite what we want, Jesus declared and modelled that love is the greatest expression of sacrifice.

Poem written by Joshua Luke Smith.

Cross Equals Love

The truest love

We wanted to produce a film that would join the growing movement of 'Cross Equals Love' around the Easter season. As an empathetic approach to a non-Christian audience, we wanted the script to answer the real question that secular humanity was asking, "What is love?" The vignette stories show examples of human relationship where sacrifice is in play - a single father, a pregnant mother, a teenage son looking after his sick mother - suggesting that we all experience shadows of sacrificial love that point towards the fullest expression being Jesus laying down his life at the cross for us.