Influencer Series Episode 2 - Ryan

Ryan shares with us about his journey, his love for basketball and how his faith and dedication is helping him impact a young generation

Being a regular college going guy wasn’t enough for Ryan, he wanted to do something to prove himself but didn’t know what to do until he stumbled upon basketball and fell in love with the sport. He eventually came across freestyle basketball no one was familiar with. He had his doubts about taking it up as a profession, but received great feedback when he started to perform at many events. Ryan shares with us about his journey, his love for basketball and how with perseverance and dedication he honed his skills and is creating an impact on the younger generation.

Influencer Series Episode 2 - Ryan

Influencer Stories

This series was inspired a simple thought: What would happen in local celebrities shared their faith in Jesus? That's what we set out to do. We partnered with 4 well known personalities who love Jesus and wanted to share their faith and how their faith in Jesus got them where they are today.