Street Hymns

Being authentic to who we are in God

Street Hymns (Mitchell) is a battle rapper who uses music to spread the gospel. Mitchell was driven by a calling to redeem rap music and fill it with uplifting lyrics centred on his relationship with God. With early success in his rap career, he saw the potential to make a positive difference. Today, he dedicates his life to serving his community, conveying messages of hope, and remaining rooted in his faith. Through his music he aims to break down stereotypes and spread God's word to new audiences.

Street Hymns

'Cause the Streets Need Him

“How do we live lives on mission?” In looking to answer that question, our North American office went to their friend Mitchell West for a better perspective on the topic. Mitchell, AKA Street Hymns, is a battle rapper by night and an ordinary evangelist by day. Showing us that going into all the world to preach the gospel is as easy as walking right outside our door. “Doin’ hymns for the streets ’cause the streets need Him!”