Testimony - Brigitta Cynthia (Gigi)

Briggita was a member of Cherrybell, a group idol in Indonesia. She came from a broken family because of that she felt lack of attention and loves from her parent. She searched it from a man and finally had a dating with non believer. She had struggle with it, but finally she stick on her prinsciple and out from that relationship.

Menjalani hubungan beda agama itu sulit banget. Bahkan hampir dikatakan mustahil, karna Firman Tuhan sudah melarang itu. Hal tersebut pernah di alami Gigi, mantan anggota Cherrybelle yang sekarang bersolo karir. Hubungannya dengan seseorang yang berbeda agama membuat Gigi kesulitan menjalaninya. Bagaimana kisahnya ?

Testimony - Brigitta Cynthia (Gigi)

From all of Gigi's story life, we chose different religion relation part to be appointed because we knew alot of young people is struggling with this case.