Testimony - Reza Nangin

Reza Nangin is a presenter and an actor. He came from broken family. His parents divorced and he saw his parents used drug directly since he was kid. Because of that his life broken and dropout drom university. When he was thingking about suicide he remembered his little sister and he canceled it. Reza's life changed when one pastor gave a prophetic's words, he tried to open bible and gave his life to Jesus.

Reza Nangin atau yang sering disapa Echa adalah seorang entertainer sekaligus aktor pendatang baru di dunia perfilman. Sering menghibur dan terlihat lucu di beberapa videonya yang beredar di dunia maya, sama sekali tidak menunjukkan kalau Reza ternyata sempat memiliki kehidupan yang berantakan. Berikut cerita kelamnya masa lalu Reza yang bersumber dari keluarganya yang broken home.

Testimony - Reza Nangin

We met a really good sources to tell about a victim from broken home family then we decided to make his story as a content.