Being Yourself

A True Self

Being yourself is hard. The world gives us all sorts of messages of who we should be. How to dress and how to look. And the more we do those things, the less like ourselves we become. But don't worry. There is a way back to who you were created to be, but only one who can show you!

Being Yourself

Helping Seekers Online Discover Their True Identities

Our Marketing Team in North America pinpointed keywords surrounding "Relational Topics" that would be important for our Content Team to create videos for Seekers who are Googling answers to those sorts of questions. Thus "Being Yourself." Whether the keywords included terms like "happy," or "confident," or "find myself" there were many ways that we could've approached the making of this piece. Ultimately, "Being Yourself" was created out of the intense need of this generation to cut through the noise and anchor themselves in the person and work of Jesus Christ.